Sunday, October 31, 2010

You're really f***ed up right now!!!!!

Eek! Did not like hearing those words yesterday. I guess I didn't realize how bad this IT band thing is. I am really hoping it doesn't take too terribly long to heal...I am super bummed. This sucks. Can we say depression? Talk about no motivation to eat paleo....

I guess if I don't get this in check now though, I am just begging for future trouble.

I am approaching my mobility and glut isolation stuff as daily WOD's, with the same ferocity I would any WOD. In the mean time, I guess I am changing my focus to my upper body and core for a bit.

In good news, I am pain free today. I rowed yesterday a bit and didn't feel it today.
I am hoping that in another week, I can at least start using my legs again, maybe to row, deadlift, or do some KBS. I know I won't be running or squatting for prob 2 more weeks.
We'll see.

Saturday, Oct 30th:
2 x 250 rows, not bad. Just tight L leg while bending my knees on the rower. No pain though.
AMRAP: Ring rows 7-7-7
Pushups: 10-10-10 (dogged these a little because I knew I was going to be doing more)

MetCon: Blackjack, 32:31
1 situp/20 pushups
2 situps/19 pushups
3 situps/18 pushups.
Etc until 20 situps/1 pushup

Dropped to my knees after the 2nd set and after some form correction by Rudy. At the end, I was doing the pushups in sets of 3. A bit sore today! Not a lung burner, but tough nonetheless.

Thurs, Oct 28th:
Press: Found my 1RM, 60#'s. This has actually gotten worse for me. Over the last two months, leg strength went way up, press went way down. Will have to start working on this again.

MetCon: 8 min AMRAP
5 HSPU (1 abmat, 1 10# plate)
10 pull ups
15 situps

3 rounds + 5 HSPU
Still can't string pullups on the big bar. Went upstairs to the little bar and was able to string them in sets of 5 by using my legs a bit more. Did about 20 more this way! Thanks for the help Emily E!

Going to have to come up with more upper body stuff for the week. :=(
Ok on call today, hoping for a quiet day/night.


  1. Hope your IT band feels better soon! I'm a sports massage therapist and I know how tough it can be for athletes who have this injury.

  2. When my IT band was buggered... this was a goody that sado-bryce made up:

    3 rounds @ 8reps each
    - TTB
    - situps
    - pushup
    - pullups

    I thought I was gonna die.

  3. Thanks guys! Wendy, I think I need to make an appt to see you!
