Tuesday, March 9, 2010

CFT, Roger, and Weight....

Tonight was Crossfit total night. Not a bad showing for me. Totalled at 349.

BS: 130 (up from 110)
Press: 60 (same)
DL: 159 (up from 140)

Went up by 39#'s, (Adam if you're reading, I just missed the 350 goal by 1 pound!!!!). Added 20 lbs on the BS, 19 pounds on the DL. No gains on the press!!! WTF??? I am SO surprised by this. I know I am a lot stronger upper body wise, so I don't get it. Seriously, WTF????? But overall, pretty happy with this effort. Can't wait to see where I'm at in another 2 months. 180 on the DL? 150 on the BS? 60 on the press? :=)
The diet has made a HUGE difference, and I am definitely going to attempt to stay mostly paleo. I do need to tweak a bit because I haven't gained weight in about a month, and am still off 6lbs off my goal of being 105-110 lbs. I know Rudy doesn't believe me, but seriously I could eat McDonald's 3x a day and I won't gain an ounce. Gaining weight takes some serious work for me!

So tracking backwards, worked with Roger last friday. What an awesome day. Another 2.5 hrs. I was dead after. Worked on snatches at 46#'s. I used to think my 1RM was 50, perhaps not. He tells me my form looks "real good." Seriously? Wow. I'll practice some this week to see if it stuck. I am going to keep the weight there per his instructions, and we'll start adding more as we go. We also worked on C & J. I must have done a thousand reps at 65#'s and the by the end I was cashed. He thinks I'm going to fly through my strength numbers on those. We'll see. Encouraging though when he says that stuff.

So overall, not bad. Steady progress. I feel like I need to pick up my training again. Have been a bit disjointed and don't feel great about the last couple of weeks. I want to start hitting it hard starting tomorrow. As always, bring it.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010


Long week last week for me. Thank goodness it's over. I took call 48 hrs straight, had a presentation on wed, chief's club (a big pimping session) on thurs, and mock orals (which I passed!) on sat. Still I got in 4 workouts, which to me was pretty awesome, despite the lack of sleep. I stayed generally paleo...and seriously, need to be done with residency already!

Mon I was post call and got home at 5pm, went to take a "nap" which lasted till 6am today. So, made up yesterday's wod today.

Worked on Snatch form. Kept the weight super light and just drilled.

WOD: 3 rounds
10 thrusters at 55#'s
10 burpees

Then I did 3 x 12 GHD situps. And then worked on pullups and strung together 5-6. Wanted to puke starting about 20min AFTER the WOD and till about 9pm. Sheesh.
The WOD was tough. I'm glad I'm upping the weight slow but sure, but as usual, want to be stronger and better, FASTER!!!!! Arggg....I'm not the most patient person. :=)

Nutrition Today
Since I didn't eat since about 5pm yesterday, I made up for it today in a big way.

5:30: 16oz grande 2% latte, banana, a handful of nuts
7:15am: 4 egg whites hard boiled, banana, 500 cc's water
11:30am: 6oz chicken breast on top of a big salad, an apple, more water
2:30pm: Another apple
5pm: A handful of nuts, 500 cc's water, and a protein bar Pre-WOD
9pm: Post WOD: 8oz turkey sauteed with olive oil and onion, a full avocado, 1/2 a large cucumber, Propel water
11pm: Some grapes for desert

Good night folks. See you tomorrow.