Sunday, February 28, 2010

Rounds 1 and 2

A mixed week for me. Lots of PR's, lots of setbacks (aka rowing!). But overall we take the good with the bad so....
I have a question for you guys? How do you all pace yourselves? I have a good idea when it comes to running, but I am still figuring out how to pace myself during WOD's. For example, do you go all out and hit it as hard as you can, taking the risk of gassing out at the end? Do you save a little to often find that you have a little left in the tank, or that you didn't hit the time you wanted? Still figuring out my thresholds for this and am curious as to what you guys do....

A big shout out to Kori who is still alive after approx 2 weeks in the NICU (no easy feat), and Alison/Beth who are new! Welcome and great job!

So let's work backwards.

Sat 2/27:
WOD #1: General Surgery Mock Oral Boards. So painful. BUT I PASSED! yippee!

WOD #2:
Bench Press: 63%, 72%, 81% of 1RM + 5= 65
43-48-53 (14!!!!!!)

DT ish
-5 Rounds
-21-15-9 at 65#'s.

I chose to go heavy, working at 80% of my max C&J, given that strength is still my major goal. I finished, but may have made the time cap had I pushed the first two rounds a bit harder. I think I paced it a bit much, hence the questions at the top. I got a decent metcon, but more impressive was the fact that I hit muscle failure and that's why I often rested, not necessarily being winded. Was happy to finish, and at 20 min, had made it through 9 cleans of the last round. Overall a great workout! Have to give a big thanks to Billy who talked me through the last round. It made such a huge difference!
Not even really sore today, we'll see tomorrow!

8ish: 3 egg whites, hardboiled, 1/4 lb grapes, 2% vanilla latte, handful of nuts
12pmish: turkey approx 1/4 lb, 2 tablespoons sunbutter, 1/2 large cucumber, coconut water
3pmish: post WOD, forgot my usual protein bar so just got coconut water
4:30pm: Watermelon, almonds, and more water
7:30pmish: Turkey meatloaf, large salad, water

Friday, 2/26

Press: 63%, 72%, 81% of 1RM + 5= 65
41-47-53 (4)

4 Rounds of 500m Row, 10 burpees
I then did max ring dips with the tiny band...6-6-5
And then strung together 10 (!!!!!) kipping pullups. Finally!

This was a tough one for me. I was exhausted that day. Just a really long week. I know I can press more than that, the last time I did 52 I got up 8-9. So, I'm guessing I was wiped. I gotta fix my rowing....seriously those of you that can row, I need remediation! Not my best workout, but was glad to have done it. I wasn't really that tired after....I don't know. Even pacing is hard for me on the rower. Help!

5:30am: 2% vanilla latte
7:15am: 3 egg whites, banana, one more coffee with cream and a little sugar (I was dying)
10:30am: apple, water
12:30pm: 4oz tuna, water
3pm: A handful of dried fruits and nuts, more water
4:30ish: Larabar, water
8pmish: Grilled turkey, spinach and garlic sauteed with olive oil and pine nuts, Fruit for desert, coconut water

Ok guys, on call tonight. Hope it stays quiet. See you tomorrow or tues.

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