Well, almost. Deloading starting today. Sad I don't get to work on strength since it's been such a focus for me. I've actually been working harder on the strength stuff than the metcon's...because those are what my goals are about.
45# thrusters
tiny banded pullups
Well, certainly progress made. 3 months ago I was doing 35 pounds, couldn't kip, and used a green band. And today I debated long and hard about 45 vs. 50 lbs, and chipping away at unbanded pullups. But at Alex's urging went with the 45/banded route, only so I could get a decent met con out of it.
I think I could have done 50 lbs and stayed under 10 minutes. So, slow but sure, progress is happening. Which means 6 months to Rx'ed Fran?????? I'm not the most patient person, but as long as I see progress I can deal....
6am: Coffee
8am: 3 eggs, banana
1030: apple, water
3pm: tuna, veggies, more fruit and water
5pmish: Lots of nuts and dried fruit
8pm: Okra and a protein shake. Don't ask.
10pm: Deli turkey, cucumbers, more water.
At this point, I am feeling very grateful to Bryce/Alex for all their help, with nutrition and strength work. I am making huge gains, and it's because of you two. Thanks guys.
Nice work on all the progress you are making!!