Monday, February 15, 2010

Days 1 and 2

By that I mean that this weekend was the first one of my training for next year. Period. I was so inspired by what I saw at the games this weekend, and so proud to be part of CFC as well as the crossfit community, that I am pledging to compete, and be a competitor, next year. And it was really cool to see all the body types (including my own) that came in numbers 1-5. Anything is possible and all of a sudden my goals do not seem unattainable. After this weekend, I know I can do it!

What I loved about this weekend was that crossfit is about the fight. Yeah, it was really cool to watch people cruise through workouts. But what seemed more important was the struggle. The crowd went crazy when I finally got that bar up at minute 19 for a few more OHS in WOD 1. They went crazy when Heather got 1 PR clean and jerk during WOD 2. That's what it's about. I could care less about the results. I just want to fight to get better, and help my teammates do the same.

Ok, so
WOD #1: Air Force WOD
4 burpees on the top of every minute
20 thrusters, SDHP, push jerk, OHS, and front squat

DNF. 45#'s. Really, really fought to finish. Didn't. Was so upset after that I got out of there cause I hate people seeing me cry. Plus it was scaled!!!! I just couldn't get that stupid bar into position for the OHS, which I started at 7minutes. But, we learn more from failures than successes, so I'll get it next time.

WOD #2

AMRAP 5 minu C& J
65#'s, rx'ed was 105.
68#'s used to be my 1 RM. I did 17 x 65#'s.
Nice. Hopefully, by next year, I'll be at rx'ed. We'll see.

WOD #3

First rx'ed workout ever.
5 min row, 4 box jump, 3 minutes hang squat snatch 45#, 2 min WB, 1 min HSPU
50 cal/67 box jumps/6 snatches/2 wall balls/0 HSPU

Ha! Oh well. Worth a try. At least I didn't scale it.

I can't remember what I did for nutrition but I do know that I ate all weekend. And then cheated and felt like crap so I'm done cheating. Ha!

So, all in all a great teacher, motivator and inspiration for next year. I hope I can do better next time.

1 comment:

  1. Great update on your blog Anjali . . .I loved reading it and hearing your take on sectionals -the competition and your overall experience. Way to fight it out and be courageous! I admire your determination. So glad you entered the competition. You are an inspiration to many! Way to go!
