Sunday, February 7, 2010

Ok, I promise

So this week was about survival. I got stuck at work a lot. Found recovery was suffering big time, so I decided to give myself a few extra rest days this close to sectionals, or I will hurt going there. This was a tough week for me on the workout front. Whereas last week I felt that I was making some serious gains, on the way to rx'ed work, this week I was a bit disappointed with my strength numbers in the metcons. The problem here is technique. My O lifts suck so consequently my weights aren't able to be that high.

Let's go backwards...
Friday, 2/5

Made up this one
Back Squat: 75-84-95 (5)

5 Rounds

5 Jerks, 10 burpees

This shouldn't have been that hard. My technique sucks. My max straight press is 60. I should be able to jerk more.

I failed the last rep of my last jerk 6 times. I finished my 4th round at 7:30. I need to work on technique. Big time. I got so frustrated, it was unreal. Tears actually came down my face and then I got it together and fought through. A few helpful tips from Amy regards to visualization every time I step up to the bar. I gotta see myself do the lift. ARRGGGGG!

I still am sore at my shoulders.

I was post call and exhausted. Didn't have a met con in me with poor nutrition and no sleep. Tank was just empty so I went with an
Active rest day with Jonny's O lift class. Again, more struggling with the snatch form. That hip extension and 3rd pull is where I struggle every lift. More frustration.
Worked on skills with kipping pullups, wall balls, and double unders.

Press: 5-3-1
41-46-52 (7)

Met Con
24 inch box jump
KBS 35#
SDHP 45#


Overall, I was pretty proud of this. For the first time, I have thought that maybe, just maybe I'll make it to rx'ed workouts!
First off, Bryce was right. Should have gone with a 50# SDHP. Form has improved quite a bit here. BUT...I was really happy that I could do a 35# KBS just like the big girls! I did just as many reps and it didn't actually feel heavy. The box jumps were challenging and half my height, but I made it through and was happy. Took a spill there somewhere but after the yrs of ultimate, know how to fall and get right back up.

I suppose that's what this week is about...:=) Falling and getting right back up.


  1. nice work anj! you should give yourself more credit and remember to respect and fear your workouts - if rx'd was easy it wouldn't be worth fighting for. you'll get there baby :)

    And, um, one last thing... who you calling "big girls???"

  2. Hello Anjali I love your commitment! I saw that you were making up some of your stuff, if you need some more ideas check out our training:

    keep up the hard work :-)
