Sunday, May 29, 2011

So inspiring!

Just wanted to take a moment and congratulate all of the CFC athletes/judges/volunteers/coaches/spectators this past weekend! You guys were phenomenal! You are truly inspiring as athletes and more importantly, people. Thank you for showing us what is possible!

A few especially inspiring moments:

Kurt: doing how many pullups after that tear? do you need a blood transfusion?
George: 255 # thruster! You shirtless beast!
Glenn: pretty much everything you did. but i'm biased.
Steph: 15 muscle ups! and 9x 95# squat snatches. Holy wow! When did you get that first squat snatch? More heart than I have seen in a long time...way to go!
Emily: DL/Box jump WOD. Good lord girl, way to make it look easy!
Gina: How many double unders did you do in that 100 chipper???
Jess H: Beating most of the guys on that run/hspu/row WOD.
Erin C.: 150 # thruster, Amanda was so EASY for you! Amazing....
Alex: 300+ # DL's with a crappy, hurting back? And taking fourth? Wow.
Elizabeth: Doing 15 muscle ups after getting your first one 3 wks ago. You did pull that out of your ass! And that determination in that final WOD. You said you were gonna win it. So proud of you lady!
Rudy: A true coach. Even to athletes not your own. Kind, positive, and truly...has taught me who I want to be when I grow up.
Jonny: There are no words. All of this was because of you. Congratulations.

I am dying to pick up a bar! Bring it on tomorrow hero wods.


  1. I love this post! I wish I was there to see more of it. Nice, Elisabeth said she'd win it? JJ and I couldn't stop talking about her winning it while refreshing that scores page to make sure she did!!

  2. :) Oh yeah, and don't forget ...

    Anjali: jumping in to save the day ... once again!
