Tuesday, October 4, 2011


So, I got sick again. This time it was a sinus infection after my allergies acted up. Not cool. And worse, it's messing with my training. This post is not going to be about how much that sucked, or how shitty I feel coming back....but rather, about prevention.

This is not ok by me. I feel very passionate about my training. I don't want any more setbacks. And now it's time to put my money where my mouth is and do everything I can to prevent this. Coach Rudy thinks I may be "overbusy," and may have something to do with sleep patterns. I don't feel that I am that busy anymore, I hardly work 40 hrs per week. I don't get stressed at work any more, like I used to. I feel that I have become pretty proficient at managing stress...as Ali G told said this weekend "Anj, you're a professional stress manager." (I guess I didn't get frazzled with all the wedding "stress"- ha if they only knew!)

BUT...that doesn't mean my body doesn't respond to stress. I think I am very sensitive to stress...physically. Although emotionally I can handle it, I think my body hates those elevated cortisol levels, and the second I get a little less sleep or am exposed to a bug, game over.

So here's what I'm going to do:
-I will get 8-9 hrs of sleep a night as often as possible.
-I will say no to people when I need to so I can keep focussed, and so as not to over extend myself.
-I will go straight from work to the gym, so I can get home earlier and in bed earlier.
-I will schedule less, and relax more.
-I will wash my hands like crazy (I already do), so I don't get exposed to badness.
-I will get 8-9hrs of sleep a night as often as possible...

I'm hoping this will help. Please let me know if you can think of anything else to help....How do YOU keep yourself healthy???!!!! I am willing to try anything right now!


  1. Let's see how it goes. If you are not on the correct path in 2 weeks come see me!

  2. Anjali,

    Are you getting plenty of vitamin D (sun or supplementation? For me and my family, getting plenty of D, especially in the fall and winter, seems to have made a major difference in a) how often we get sick and b) how long it lingers.


  3. Hmmm I wrote a huge long comment but I couldn't log in so it didn't post.
    Basically, I rambled on about how I used to think I could manage stress but in reality, after I got out of my stressful situation (that made me sick a lot), it is night and day to the point where I now get a little bored sometimes. For me, thinking that I can manage stress was a defense mechanism to manage the stress and it wasn't until that I removed the stress that I noticed.
    That and I stay off gluten.

    Good luck and stay healthy!

  4. I think your plan is on point. I'm glad you listed rest/relaxation in addition to sleep hours- I'm realizing down time is really important too. Is your diet consistent?

  5. @ Rudy: I will be seeing you anyway! I'm sure there's plenty more to tweak!
    @ Tim: Got it. Vit D. I'll try it.
    @Donna: I felt that way after residency ended. The stress levels dropped so significantly, but maybe they are still elevated.
    @Elisabeth and Donna: Diet. yes. Been off of paleo as I have a hard time getting the ridiculous amount of calories Glenn is making me eat on paleo. But you both are right. Time to get back on the wagon.

  6. Yep, they're all right. Without paleo? Sick most of the winter. With paleo? Nary a sneeze, let alone all of the bronchitis/flu/colds/pneumonia I used to get. And if I slip, I get a sore throat or a 'cold' within a day or two... back on the paleo wagon girl. Focus on keeping the gluten/grains and sugar out and you should be all right.

    If you're too low on calories, up the sweet potato.
