Sunday, January 24, 2010

Weekend Work....

Today was a lot of fun in the new space. Did Jonny's awesome warm up (quite possibly the best warm ups ever), and then headed into strength work. My goals for these months are all about strength. So, that in mind, I made up some strength wods and added a few. Thanks Jonny! Will add back in the Metcon focus in about a month or two. The cool thing is, I'm just about hitting my 3 month goal numbers in 1 1/2 months. Go Paleo!

Sleep: 6hrs
5:30am :12 oz nonfat latte on the way to work
8am: 2 hard boiled egg whites, 1 turkey sausage patty and 500 cc's water
10:30am: A handful of dried fruits and nuts
During workout: 1 L water
Post WOD: 2 handfuls of grapes, a protein bar, and a vitamin water
Dinner: Spaghetti squash with tomato/turkey sauce
Dinner #2: Another serving and some watermelon.
500 cc's water.

Dead Lift: 63%, 72%, 81% of 1RM + 10lbs
1Rm=140, Weight used 150

93-103-113 (10)

Bench Press: 63%, 72%, 81% of 1RM (Crossfit total number)
43-48-53 (10)

AMRAP in 12 minutes
5 HSPU (2 ab mats)
10 pull ups (Tan band)
15 squat jumps

TOTAL: 5 rounds + 10 pullups

This workout was a good one for me. The body weight stuff is really coming along. I feel strong and efficient, though I know I have a lot to learn. But I finally feel that I feel comfortable enough, and have enough baseline strength to make some gains. I am getting antsy to get off the band!!!!!!! I think the strength is there, just can't get this kipping thing down.

I also think I didn't eat enough today. Usually I get more carbs in the form of fruit in there. Today was just strange.....

I decided yesterday that I will take the top 5 things on my suck list and work on them once a week or so after class. Here they are:

Toes to bars/ Knees to elbows
And maybe one more, double unders.

Fun day.


  1. This is great, Anj! I am so glad to see that you are feeling good and hitting your goals. You're right, you are doing for you and I'm super proud of you!! Can't wait for some grocery shopping : )

  2. Anj! Great work today. I didn't get to spend a lot of time with you, but you did so well! I promise more coaching from me. You're results are great and I'm glad you're doing the blogging. By the way, 2 of your suck list items can be working on in less than 10-15 min every time after class. If you have the time, get at least a 1000M row, 10 KTE, and 10 TTB. You're time will steadily decrease, technique and flexibility will improve, and your work capacity will exponentially get better since your diet is tuned in.

  3. Thanks guys! Jonny those are awesome suggestion. I'm on it!
