A few thoughts:
Back squat: I'm now staying in my heels on the way down, and Glenn told me last night I'm squatting "correctly", but it could still be better. The key here is the way up and no weight shift therein. See? Don't think I'm quite this severe BUT you get the idea.
Power Cleans: thinking of them as 1/4 squat clean and preventing the hips from coming forward, but rather fast elbows and dropping under the bar.
All the press movements: L arm. Eek. I need some help with these...I don't think I do them correctly and of all of my lifts, I feel the most unclear about these.
On a good note, I had never done strict overhand dead hangs. Last night I did 3x5 of them, with the 1st 5/5/4 unbroken. Apparently they are a few inches off a chest to bar per Alex, so perhaps I don't have to go quite that far!
Glad to have a couple of days off before the week next week! Looking forward to reading the Starting Strength Book, as soon as Boards are over. T-6 days!
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