Wednesday, August 31, 2011

I never want to do a MetCon again!

Kidding. Kidding. But this strength stuff is getting fun! Like really, really fun!
So many changes...
1.) Glenn actually used my squat as a good example the other day! Yay for positive reinforcement!
2.) The press movements are actually getting better, in that I can keep my elbows in and do the movement correctly.
3.) I can actually do a few pretty decent strict TTB's. I couldn't do this a few weeks ago.
4.) Overhand pullups? No problem.

So where to from here?
More weight of course.
A few things I have learned in my edumacation about this stuff...
 --Stress causes adaptation, which is why you have to continue to increase the stress (aka add weight)
 --The squat is the most important exercise one will ever learn. To do it correctly is essential!
 --Sets of 5 work both the anaerobic and aerobic pathways.
 --It is preferable to take small jumps and sustain the progress rather than to take bigger jumps and get stuck early.
 --It is easier to not get stuck than to get unstuck
 --Stronger does not necessarily mean more weight on the bar

Ok, that's enough for today. It's getting heavy folks, I'm loving it!

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