Thursday, January 20, 2011

A rough go

The last 2-3 weeks have been really rough on me. I have been on a vascular surgery rotation that has been super busy, with really, really sick patients. I have been leaving the house at 5:30 or 6am and getting home from anywhere between 10pm to 3am, sleeping for a few hours, waking up and doing it all over again. I then take a 30 hour call every 4th or 5th night. I have been standing during surgery for upwards of 20hrs a day, and am physically and mentally exhausted. I have not eaten enough. And of course, have not made it to the box. My goals have revolved around survival. These times when rotations get this busy are really rough on me, and I see my crossfit goals going to hell in a handbasket. I try to remember that I'm almost done with residency. That I'm in the home stretch. That a few weeks mean nothing in the course of training for a year, and that my goals are for next year. In a few short weeks, eating and sleeping regularly will not be an issue, and I expect to see a huge improvement in performance. For now, I'm just doing what I can.

And this morning, I was feeling particularly crummy. Bummed about how much crossfit I was missing. And a few hours later, I saved somebody from losing their leg. And I realized, crossfit isn't going anywhere.

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