Thursday, November 4, 2010


A quick recap here. First off, so excited! Hit a new PR on my bench press, by 10#'s!!!!! I benched 75#'s yesterday, which is approximately 75% of my body weight! Super exciting!
Am pain free, and my legs are looser than they ever have been. Not that they are loose by any way, shape, or form. No pain on the foam roller today either! Yay!

Yesterday's MetCon:
15-12-9-6-3 of
-Toe to bars
-Pushups (rx'ed, with my head up and chest hitting the ground)


I actually strung sets of 2-3 pullups. By the end, I was doing singles, but I did string a few here and there. I also tore. Interestingly, I tore on my palms the last time we did lots of toe to bars. I wonder what that's about....

Post Wod:
3 min plank: 1:30, 30, 30, 30

Nutrition was solid yesterday. Can't really remember, but did culminate with home made chicken thai curry from scratch with coconut milk, and all sorts of veggies, including okra! It was awesome. Got the recipe here... I highly recommend this one!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Yay! Go Anj, go!

    Looks like you're well on your way! "Scrappy" is more like "supergirl" now!

    My pullups are back to deadhangs because you can't kip from the hanging bar matt put in the tree. God, I miss the box!
