So, figured I'd blog about this one since I haven't in a while, and well...I still feel stupid! Last Monday night, I did the rowing/TTB/pushup WOD, and happily finished within the cap on all 4 rounds. Was psyched and decided to stay to cheer on the Spicy girls through it at the 8pm. After they finished, I was messing around on the bar upstairs for a bit, doing some TTB's. I think I forgot where I was for a minute, decided to kip really hard, and bam! Smacked my head into the metal above my face. Thought it was just a head bonk, until I saw the look on everyone's face and felt the blood drip down. Thank goodness for Kurt and Ben who were wonderful, and of course Glenn who took such good care of me...
Got a pretty nice cut between my eyebrows, probably a mild concussion, 4 stitches and a dose of humility. Seriously, what the hell was I thinking???!!!! I suppose everyone has stupid moments...but for real????? I gotta make up a good story about this one...suggestions welcome. I'm kind of nervous to come back into the box for fear of ridicule! :=)
So, I have taken the week off of crossfit. I'm guessing the sleep deprivation has added up and probably contributed to my stupidity that night, I was pretty tired before I came in. I'll head back on tuesday, 1 week after the incident. I was due for a week off anyway, I try to reset the clocks every so often with crossfit and allow for some recovery time.
I suppose the upside knee feels pretty good.