Saturday, June 18, 2011

Crossfit Total

CFT Total: 380
BS: 140#'s (10#PR)
Press: 70#'s (5#PR)
DL: 170#'s (7#PR)

Pretty happy with this effort. Tried 150 #'s with the back squat and failed. May have had it without having just tried the 140. Also almost killed myself because although I asked Alex to spot me, I don't think I knew what that meant really. Woops. Sorry guys.

Looking back through my records, there was a time I failed a 50# press. Wow.

The squat work I've been doing with Glenn has really helped me. Initiating from the hips and relearning how to do it have been paramount. I will continue to work on this.

The DL....well, it seems like it should be a strong lift for me. But I'm fairly quad dominant and glute/ham I think I need to work on strengthening this aspect. Back to the glute exercises.

Goals for strength work, by the end of this strength cycle are as follows:

BS: 150
Press: 75
DL: 185

Oly lift goals...well, let me think about those a bit more.
Kind of depends on how all this works out over the next 8 weeks.


  1. Hey Anjali - I found your blog via Alison's site.

    Congrats on the progress you are making, and good luck with additional strength goals. I started CrossFit about 2 months ago and am definitely seeing progress. My personal goal is to run a sub-60 second 400m within the next 1.5 years (I am currently 44) and am hoping/believing that all the strength/power work at CrossFit will pay some dividends.

    Take care,


  2. Hey Tim,
    Thanks for the post! Great to hear about your progress as well...and I have a feeling you may get to that sub 60 second 400m before 1.5 yrs! Keep it up!

  3. I just hope I can get there eventually; however given my age, I think that trying to get there soon makes sense - thus the 1.5 year timeline.
