Saturday, June 25, 2011

Amazing week

It's been a really, really good week at CFC. A few firsts:

JACKSON'S arrival- can I even say more?
Mandie's Hero WOD!
I did double unders in a WOD! And didn't have to scale!
My sister tried crossfit for the first time! (Hopefully she'll keep coming back!)
Our first CSA delivery!
60 pullups and STRUNG 20 inch box jumps for the first time!
Donna did 83# front squats for the first time in a WOD.
Alex swimming 25m for the first time EVER (though I find this hard to believe)
Papa Tapalla was glowing like I ain't never seen!
Meena and Murph met each other. She loves him!
Sara C. all healed up!
Patrick and Melissa with their big wins!
Tery swearing her head off for the first time in a long time! Man, I missed that!

And I'm sure I'm missing a TON more, but it was worth a try!

CONGRATS EVERYONE! So proud of y'all!


  1. I made your blog post! :)
    btw, I'm not sure I adequately expressed how PROUD I am of you and your double under accomplishment! You've been working at it and you got 'em! So proud!!
    I know, right? I find it hard to believe Alex swimming 25m for the first time ever too!

  2. what donna said. seriously, double-unders and rowing have been on your list for a while and it must feel good to finally check that one off! somehow i think rowing will be next very shortly ... remember your bad breakup with the purple band over kipping pullups? oh i see a fight coming ;)
