Saturday, July 30, 2011

Let's do this....

So, in determining my goals (and having an amazing boyfriend who has helped me figure them out), we have come to the conclusion that I need to get stronger. To do this, I will have to work at it. That means strength only for a little while. No Metcon's for a few months bc that means not enough recovery time. Although I fall into the "advanced" category for my total numbers, that's not enough. This is a foreign concept to me, because I have seen some really great results with the traditional programming. And I don't want to get chunky. But Glenn tells me this is what I have to here goes nothing! And here's why taken from The Athletic Journal, corroborated by many other studies:

 “Contrary to most commonly held beliefs on the subject of strength training, the training also significantly improved the cardiovascular condition of the subjects. By maintaining the intensity of the workouts at a high level and by limiting the amount of rest between exercises, the training resulted in improvement on each of 60 separate measures of cardiovascular fitness. Contrary to widespread opinion, not only will a properly conducted program of strength training produce increases in muscular strength but will also significantly improve an individual’s level of cardiovascular condition. The data suggests that some of these cardiovascular benefits apparently cannot be achieved by any other type of training.”

So good bye Metcon's. I will miss you a ton. But don't worry, I will crush you once I am stronger. In the mean time, you will be replaced every other day by (taken from the Starting Strength program):

Workout A
Back Squats 3 x 5
Bench Press 3 x 5
Pull Ups 3 x 5
Dead Lift 1 x 5
GHD's 3 x 5
Weighted back extension 3 x 8 (too short for the reverse Hyper)

Workout B
Power Cleans 5 x 3
Squat 3 x5
Press 3 x 5
Ring Rows 3 x 5
GHD's 3 x 5
Weighted back extension 3 x8

This will be the 1st 6 weeks. In addition, since these are only every other day, I will be heading to yoga once or twice a week to work on my crappy flexibility. I have a training partner which will make this significantly less painful! Looking forward to working with Gina P on this!

So, let's do this. And if I start looking the hulk....please, please, tell me! :=)

1 comment:

  1. lol you are not going to look like the hulk but in the event that you will, I'll let you know ;)
    Glad to hear that Glenn was there to help you plan to achieve your goals and for Gina to train with you!
