Tuesday, January 25, 2011

It's ok to be out of breath!

Got to go to the 8pm class, and have 3 really awesome coaches help me yesterday. Kurt, Bryce, and Glenn all stuck around to coach little old me, and it was awesome! They totally made up for a small class and gave me focus, motivation, and energy to get through it after a really, really long day. My favorite quote of the night (thanks to Kurt) was "Anj, it's ok to be out of breath!" That pissed me off enough to pick up the bar again. Thanks guys. Well played Kurt.

Worked on OHS. I suck at this movement, so I stayed light and worked up to 45#'s for 10 unbroken. Not difficult, just had some pain at the back of my hands. Don't know why. Bryce said the way I was holding the bar looked fine...will have to play with grip, tape, etc. My issue is not the OHS, but getting into position for it, esp in a Metcon. I can't jerk it off my back, and in speaking with Roger, the goal is to get so good at snatches, that I can snatch that up. And after last weekend, when 53#'s felt easy, I think this will be doable. Roger really did not want me (or anyone) jerking it off my back....

MetCon: 5 Rounds of
5 x HPC at 75#'s
7 BJ at 20 inches
9 burpees
The metcon was awesome, on so many levels. First the boys made me go heavier than I thought I could. The most I've ever power cleaned is 83#'s. This has likely been limited by technique, and the sessions with Roger are already making a huge difference. So this was a huge accomplishment. And I did them unbroken until I failed a rep in the last round!! I didn't know I could do that. Still need to work on my 1st pull and keeping my butt down. But overall these felt good.

I was hesitant with my knee on the box jumps, but am still pain free. A little tight, but a little foam roller should fix that. That means I can go full force with it. I used to be good at box jumps, and now that I'm not shielding my knee, I can hit them hard again. And the burpees were unbroken. Slow, but unbroken.

So all in all, the best wod I've had in a while. Thanks guys. This is why I love our community. :=)

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